Our Ammonia Mining Units (AMU) recover ammonia from liquid waste streams. The process works by volatilizing ammonia from the waste stream and condensing it inside an acid solution to produce a pure ammonium salt solution. Depending on the used acid (nitric or sulphuric acid), a different salt is produced.

Ammonium nitrate is an odorless clear liquid, with a light yellow color. It is free of particles and contains 15%N (50% as ammonium, 50% as nitrate).

Ammonium sulphate is an odorless clear liquid, with a light pink color. It is free of particles and contains 8%N, as well as 9%S.
Some of our fertilizers are produced from animal manure and can be recognized as RENURE products. RENURE is a name for nitrogen fertilizers with a high nitrogen activity, recovered from manure (REcovered Nitrogen from manURE) and which can be used as a fertilizer substitute. This means that a grower of crops could use these fertilizers within the nitrogen need for a specific crop, and above the 170 kg nitrogen per hectare limit which applies for the use of animal manure as stated by the European Nitrate Directive. It is not the case that a farmer or horticulturist would get extra fertilizer space, but he could fill in a larger part of his nitrogen usage space with products from animal manure. This is possible because the RENURE fertilizers have a similar effect as mineral nitrogen fertilizer. As a result, there is no additional risk of nitrate losses. The SAFEMANURE report provides the scientific basis for this. It also summarizes the criteria that RENURE must meet to be allowed to be used as a fertilizer substitute above 170 kg N/ha in nitrate-sensitive zones, as soon as the legislation is amended to allow this:
Ratio mineral N over total N > 90%
Ratio total organic carbon over total N < 3
Cu < 300mg/kg dry matter
Zn < 800mg/kg dry matter
Detricon's fertilizers have been tested extensively within the NITROMAN project on their efficacy.
The nutrients are fully available to the plant
The nitrate residue is comparable to that of conventional N-fertilizer (CAN) and lower than with use of raw manure